Search results for QAIMNS.

'We Too Were Soldiers' by Dr Vivien Newman


WAAC workers and Chief Ordnance Office Staff, Rouen 1917     ‘We Too Were Soldiers’ 1 By Dr Vivien Newman   Viv Newman's long-standing interest in the Great War led, after many years teaching women's war poetry at A level, to a PhD thesis entitled Songs of Wartime Lives: Women's Poetry of the First World War (2004) University of Essex. The thes...

British Military Nurses and the Great War: a Guide to the Services


Little has been written about British military nurses during the Great War, and few primary sources have survived, which makes it difficult to piece together even the basic details of the organization and administration of the nursing services during this period. To understand the situation that existed during the war, it is necessary to be fami...

A Suitable Woman for the Job


It's rare to find any reference to the background of women who served as military nurses during the Great War. Published sources often fail to highlight the differences between the small number of nurses who were part of the ‘regular' Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service [QAIMNS] and those who joined the Reserve after the outbreak...

Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve by Sue Light


A permanent reserve for Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service Reserve (QAIMNS) was formed in 1908, but during peacetime recruitment proved difficult, never successfully competing with the popular Territorial Force Nursing Service. It was intended that the Reserve be held at a constant 500 members; in peacetime they would fill gaps...