Search results for Revisionist.

Forgotten Victory by Professor Gary Sheffield


Headline Book Publishing, £20.00, 298pp. ISBN 0 74727157 7.  Although published last year [2001], lack of a publisher's copy has sadly long delayed the review of Gary Sheffield's Forgotten Victory in Stand To! Fortunately, apart from his 'day job' - Warfare Historian on the Higher Command and Staff Course - he is well known through his regular,...

The Evolution of Victory - British Battles on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Andy Simpson


1995 Hardback Publisher T.Donovan 152pp £17.95 ISBN 1 87108519 5 [This review first appeared in the September 1996 edition of Stand To! No. 47] The fighting on the Western Front means different things to different people. For the majority of the population, it is a terrible, apparently senseless event, essentially outside normal history; a pheno...