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Search results for Robin Brodhurst.
Götterdämerung – June 1919 The End of the German High Seas Fleet by Robin Brodhurst
The surrender and scuttling of the Kaiser’s High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands is a perfect example of the folly of war, of man’s inhumanity to man, but also of the ingenuity of the human mind, featuring, as it does, two men who are perhaps archetypal examples of great British eccentricity and thus to be celebrated. Kiel Mutiny...
115: May 2019
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The British War of War by Andrew Lambert
Yale University Press 2021 £25.00, 533 pages ISBN 978–0–300–25073–2 [This book review first appeared in the April 2022 issues of Stand To! No.126] This is a weighty book in every sense. It is lengthy, not surprisingly, as it deals with a complex and important matter, but more significantly it deals with serious concepts which are all too rarely...
The British Way of War: Julian Corbett and the Battle for a National Strategy by Andrew Lambert
(Yale University Press 2021) £25.00, 533 pages, ISBN 978–0–300–25073–2 This is a weighty book in every sense. It is lengthy, not surprisingly, as it deals with a complex and important matter, but more significantly it deals with serious concepts which are all too rarely discussed. Andrew Lambert has, in many ways, been leading up to this volume...