Search results for Royal Military College.

6 January 1915: Lt. Gerald 'Robin' Adair Seckham


Gerald Seckham was born in Shortlands, Kent in 10 January 1893, the son of Gerald Seckham (barrister at law) and Rebecca Mary (known as 'Minnie') (née Adair).   At the 1901 census Gerald junior was eight and he had a sister Nora, age five. They lived at the Lodge in Whittington, Shortlands, Kent. At some point he become known as 'Robin' - clearl...

1 April 1918: Lieut. Augustus Dilberoglue


Augustus Dilberoglue was born Cairo, Egypt 13 Jan 1894  His parents were Plato (late judge of the Native Court of Appeal in Cairo) and Julia (née Agelasto) of The Lodge, 19 Southfields Rd, Eastbourne, Sussex.  Augustus was educated first at St.Vincent’s Prep School, Eastbourne, then at Eton and finally at Christ Church, Oxford. Augustus was a...