Search results for Rupert Brooke.

044: September 1995


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Rupert Brooke - The Hood Battalion of the R.N.D.


This is a heavily cut-down version from the 'Letters of Rupert Brooke' which were published across four issues of Len Sellers' Royal Naval Division journals. It's only a small fraction of the letters which are included and which are illustrated with photographs, hand-drawn maps and sketches, mostly unseen elsewhere. These extracts have been sele...

Lieutenant Philip St John Basil Rathbone aka Sherlock Holmes


[This short profile of the stage, film and later TV actor Basil Rathbone first appeared in a piece by Mark Bristow as 'Seven British actors who served during the Great War'. It appeared in Firestep Vol.7. No.1 The Western Front Association London Branch magazine, all volumes of which are available for access by members using their member login]....

Hear the Boat Sing: Oxford and Cambridge Rowers Killed in World War I by Nigel McCrery


The History Press, 2017 £20.00, 255pp, 6 appendices and index. ISBN: 978–075–096–771–6 [This review by Martin Cross first appeared in the June/July 2017 edition of Stand To!]  Hear the Boat Sing is a worthy, if formulaic, addition to the series of books that Nigel McCrery has produced chronicling the lives of sportsmen who died as a result of th...