Search results for Sir William Robertson.

104: September 2015 Special Edition


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British Military Leadership in the First World War by John Terraine


(This lecture was given by John Terraine , the then Honorary President of The Western Front Association in 1991. It was later published in a 'Leadership & War' and published by The Western Front Association in 1998).  This is a subject  subject which has been  steeped in misunderstanding,  prejudice and pure mythology for over seventy years...

'Sir William Robertson: Architect of Victory' with Ross Beadle


Ross visits the Branch with his presentation where he discusses the impact of Sir William Robertson on British Military tactics and finally the road to victory 

CHECK WITH THE BRANCH : Sir William Robertson Architect of Victory? - Talk by Ross Beadle


Haig gets all the attention, but he was only half of the double act that set British war plans from December 1915 to February 1918, all the way through the Somme and Passchendaele battles, the other half of the act was Sir William Robertson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff and famously the only man ever to rise from the lowest rank all the w...

Ep. 95 – The Rise of Sir William Robertson – Ross Beadle


Historian Ross Beadle talks about the rise of Sir William Robertson who was appointed to the role of Chief of the Imperial General Staff in December 1915. Your browser does not support the audio element.

Staring at God: Britain in the Great War by Simon Heffer


Penguin Random House  £30 914pp, bibliog, ills, notes and refs, index. ISBN: 9781847948311  By Simon Heffer  Before offering my opinion of this book, I own up to reading the publishers press release which, as always, accompanied it. It offered the opinions of reviewers from leading magazines and the national press.  The views selected were, as i...

121 : January 2021


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ONLINE: ‘The Big Brain in the Army’: The Rise of Sir William Robertson from Trooper to Chief of the Imperial General Staff


Sir William Robertson is an important but underrated figure in in the story of the British Army. In this presentation, Ross Beadle will look to explain more about 'Wully'.  Apart from being a larger than life figure Robertson has two major claims to have shifted the course of history. He remains to this day the only man to have risen from the lo...

ONLINE: "The Bugger Signed" : Kitchener, Robertson and the Collapse of British Strategy in 1915


The presentation will be live and online.  The quote is from William Robertson, Chief of Staff to the BEF and the ‘bugger’ in question is Lord Kitchener. It is the early hours of 10 December 1915, in the Hotel Crillon in Paris and Kitchener has just signed over to Robertson all his powers as chief strategic advisor to the government and agreed...

William Robertson: Architect Of A Winning Strategy Or Merely Haig's 'Man Of Buisness In London'? - Ross Beadle


Ross made his last visit to the branch in 2023 to give his talk on The Origins of the Schlieffen Plan and has kindly agreed to return to give another talk on a subject of particular interest to him. This time, his talk will look at William Robertson. Robertson was the creator of the modern position of Chief of the Imperial General Staff, who im...