Search results for Suffolk Regiment.

006: Winter 1982:


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Cambridgeshire Kitcheners: A History of the 11th (Service) Battalion (Cambs) Suffolk Regiment.


By Joanna Costin Pen and Sword (2016) £25.00 ISBN 9-781-47386-900-4 319pp 163 b/w photos Following the outbreak of war in the summer of 1914 and the subsequent call for volunteers, the men of Cambridgeshire were not slow in stepping forward in the service of their country. However, in a departure from standard practice, these enthusiastic new vo...

18 February 1917 : Pte. John Jackson


He was employed as a cotton weaver prior to the war, he was conscripted into service in 1916 and initially joined the East Lancashire Regiment (as 28410) in Preston before being transferred to the 11th Bn. Suffolk Regiment for active service. Serving on the Western front from mid-1916, John saw action in the latter stages of the Battle of the S...

"Cambs Suffolks - the story of the 11th (Service) Battalion, The Suffolk Regiment" by Taff Gillingham


Using rare documents, photographs and diaries this talk by Taff Gillingham covers the raising of 11/Suffolk, the journey to the front and its time on the Western Front.  Taff Gillingham is a military historian specialising in the life of the British and Commonwealth soldier during the first half of the twentieth century; their weapons, drills,...