Editorial Notes
- Photographic contributions: cropping of images and a request for pictures from Members. Peter T. Scott
Machine Guns:
- Mle O7 Sainte-Ettiene
- Hotchkiss gun (Mle 14)
- One-man range-finder
A Bavarian Returns by Richard Baumgartner
- George Maier, 1st Bavarian Infantry, 3rd Machine-gun company
- An attack on Jussy, Crozat Canal 22 March 1918
WFA Poets edited by David Patterson
Chairman's Letter by John Giles
- Seven unknown soldiers dug-up on the ‘old’ Western Front whose sense of duty and motivations interest us.
Per Ardua Astra by Fred Dixon
- Witness to air action over Poperginge and Menin, summer 1918
- Red Farm Cemetery, Brandhoek. April-May 1918 46 British soldiers and 3 Civilians buried
Light Railways of the BEF: 3
The Taking of Thiepval - a personal account by R G Emmett
New Paths IV: Records of the Great War at the PRO: Part I by Peter T.Scott
- The creation, and later ‘weeding’ and destruction of thousands of tons of documents
Feeding the Guns by Lt F H MacKay, RFA 1916-19 (written in 1928 now first published) Part V.
Garrison Library (First World War books reviewed by ‘Obturator’)
- The Illustrated London News Social History of the First World War by James Bishop
- Behind the Lines: One Woman's War 1914-1918. The Letters of Caroline Ethel Cooper by Caroline Ethel Cooper
- A detailed and intimate picture of the war’s effects on the German civilian population
- War Against War: British and German Radical Movements in the First World War by F L Carsten
- A Higher Form of Killing. The Story of Gas and Germ Warfare by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman
- The British Service Lee: The Lee-Metford and Lee-Enfield Rifles and Carbines 1880-1960 by Ian Skennerton
- A Guide to Military Museums by Terence Wise
- My Grandfather's War: Canadians Remember in the First World War by William D Mathieson
- The Aeroplanes of the Royal Flying Corps by J M Bruce
Home Front (3) Home Defence: 2nd (Home Service) Garrison Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, August 1917
Communication Lines
- John Giles and the WFA - 'a well-fashioned and yet adaptable instrument for the future' from Michael Brewer, Faversham, Kent.
- Cropping Photographs
Intelligence Summary
Clearing the Butte de Wallencourt and placing memorials there August 1982 marking the work of The Western Front Association and Souvenir Francais
Developments at the Imperial War Museum: aquiring HMS Belfast, opening Duxford and planning for repairs and expansion.
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