Search results for Trevor Wilson.

Passchendaele - The Untold Story


Book review by Gary Sheffield. With the publication in 1992 of Command on the Western Front, Robin Prior and Trevor Wilson immediately took their place among the foremost authorities on the British Army of the Great War. Their cool analysis, based on impressive labours in the archives, was far removed from the crude 'lions led by donkeys' stereo...

‘The 38th (Welsh) Division at Mametz Wood, July 1916. The Reasons for adverse criticism in the early historiography’


This article is derived from the research undertaken by Jon Williams' for his MA dissertation as part of the Britain and the First World War MA degree with the university of Wolverhampton for which he received a WFA MA Study Grant. Maps and photographs have been added.  Introduction The historiography of the Somme Offensive is replete with accou...