Search results for Winchester College.

1 September 1914 : 2nd Lt George Edward Cecil


Born on 9 September 1895 off Hanover Square, London, George Cecil was the son of Lord and Lady Edward Cecil (daughter of Admiral Frederick Maxse) and the grandson of the 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (three times Prime Minister). At the 1901 Census George (age 5) was at home with his mother (age 29) and their seven servants: butler, nurse, cook, ki...

29 January 1915: 2/Lt Sidney Barthropp


Sidney Barthrop was born at Kensington Court 25 March 1892 the only son of Major Alfred Barthropp (a stockbroker) of Newport House and Ellen Barthropp (née Wentworth).  At the 1901 Census, Sidney - along with his parents and domestic servants including a governess - were living at Newport House (an extensive property with 14 rooms), in Newport,...

The George Cecil Memorial at Villers-Cotterets by Michael Aidin


[This article first featured in Stand To! No.74 September 2005 pp 35-36. Some additional images have been added]. The memorial (below) to Lieutenant George Cecil by Francois Sicard (1862- 1945) is one of the finest private monuments erected on the Western Front. Situated in the extensive Foret de Retz at Villers Cotterets, about 20 miles from C...