Search results for Yorkshire Light Infantry.

The Sinking of the Anglia: 17 November 1917


[This article originally appeared in Gun Fire number 57 and has been lightly edited for website reproduction. All of issues of the Gun Fire magazine are now available to WFA members' via the Member Login. Joining the Western Front Association gives you access not only to the 59 editions of Gun Fire but also to all 110+ issues of the WFA's in hou...

Accidentally killed by one of his own : 5 June 1918


It won't be a surprise to anyone to know that patrols could be dangerous. We have heard recently about 'Patrolling' in this presentation by Fraser Skirrow: 'Fighting Spirit: Patrolling and Raiding with the West Yorks’.  During the work that is currently being undertaken by a large group of 'Project Alias' and 'Project Hometown' volunteers, the p...