
Each of the stereoviews has been tagged with the following primary filters Theatre, Subject, Source and Publisher - click on the drop down lists and select any combination of these to limit your selection. In addition, the stereoviews have the following secondary tags, ie. detail that may or may not be present in the image. Include these to refine your selection.

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For example, if you want to display stereoviews of British combatants in behind the lines scenes from the Western Front.

To do this select "Western Front" from the Theatre drop down list, select "Behind the Lines" from the Subject drop down and enter "British" in the Search Term field (no quotation marks required). Click on the Filter button and a thumbnail list of your images will be displayed. Click on a thumbnail to view a larger image, more details and add comments. The Western Front Association provides these images free of charge to researchers, collectors, academics, and for personal use with proper attribution (Jordan/Ference Collection courtesy of; in the case of commercial use please email

Search Results - 4234 record(s) found View Colour

"Soldats allemandes prisonniers" - German soldiers prisoners

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Prisoners Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Prisonniers allemandes" - German prisoners

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Prisoners Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Obus allemands" - German shells

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Behind the Lines Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"'Prisonniers allemandes" - German prisoners

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Prisoners Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Le Maire ç'est moi" - I am the mayor

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Civilians Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Un Taube tombe environs de Soissons" - A Taube downed near Soissons

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Battle Aftermath Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Soissons - Obus allemande" - Soissons - German shells

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Battle Aftermath Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Senlis - Hôtel de Ville - ce qu'il en reste" - Senlis - Town Hall - what remains

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Battle Aftermath Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Reims - Quartier des Cordelliers Derrière la Cathèdrale" Franciscan Friars Quarter

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Battle Aftermath Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"environs d'Acy - obus allemande" - surroundings of Acy - German shell

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Behind the Lines Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Acy - peloton d'infé" - Acy - infantry platoon

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Behind the Lines Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Soldats et mitrailleuses" - Soldiers and machine guns

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: The Front Line Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Bataille de la Marne" - Battle of the Marne

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Battle Aftermath Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Fil de fer protégeante les camps rétranchés pourront être electrisés à l'approche de l'ennemi" - Wire protecting the entrenched camps could be electrified as the enemy approached

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Behind the Lines Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Paris 1914 - Carrousel militaire" - Paris 1914 -Carrousel (the famous military horse training and dressage ground)

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Training Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

"Bléssés soignes dans une eglise" - Wounded treated in a church

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Theatre: Western Front Subject: Medical Scenes Publisher: French Photojournalist 1914 Source: French

The 7th New York - stack arms and rest after morning drill, Plattsburg, N.Y.

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Theatre: Home Front Subject: Training Publisher: Underwood & Underwood (American) Source: American

Rookies enjoying patriotic music by the camp band, Plattsburg, N.Y.

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Theatre: Home Front Subject: Training Publisher: Underwood & Underwood (American) Source: American

Instruction by officers and reading Military Manual, Plattsburg, N.Y.

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Theatre: Home Front Subject: Training Publisher: Underwood & Underwood (American) Source: American

Ice cream cone time. Rookies patronizing the camp canteen, Plattsburg, N.Y.

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Theatre: Home Front Subject: Training Publisher: Underwood & Underwood (American) Source: American