Diversity Policy
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The Trustees and Executive Committee of The Western Front Association (the Charity) unreservedly commit to operating this charity in full compliance with the Equality Act of 2010 (the Act) recognising their duty to provide an environment and procedures which do not discriminate against any Trustee, employee, appointee, volunteer, member or anyone else who from time to time comes into contact with the Charity, on the grounds of ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation.
The Trustees do not believe that the Charity should claim any special exemption provided for under the act.
The Charity encourages application for membership and participation from anyone irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or academic knowledge who share the Charity’s objective in educating members and the wider public on the Great War.
The Charity commits to the promotion of Diversity, Equality and as wide an access as it is realistically able to provide for all stakeholders and will not tolerate any form of discrimination directed at its volunteers, employees, appointees, members or those who come into contact with the charity and its activities. It recognises that discrimination may be indirect and will not tolerate speech or other behaviour that undermines respect for any of the protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act. Disciplinary action will be taken against the relevant member or members where such discrimination or inappropriate speech or behaviour is identified within WFA activities and/or in contexts where a connection is made with the WFA.
Incidents of discrimination must be reported at the earliest possible opportunity to the Executive Committee in particular the Chair or his deputy (contact details are available in publications and through the website) so that concerns may be investigated and, if appropriate, disciplinary action taken.
Wherever practicable, the identity of complainants will be protected.
Drawn up: July 2020
Revised: November 2021
Owner: A Bolton
Due for review: Summer 2025
The Western Front Association Diversity Procedures
The Charity does not monitor new or existing members as to their ethnicity, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation. Any information which the Charity has access to is only to the extent that can be inferred from members choice of title and first names. The Charity may from time to time carry out voluntary membership surveys which may provide some Diversity information.
The Charity is a membership organisation which offers open membership. All are free to join and participate without any form of discrimination but it realises that its activities, aims and objectives have a limited appeal within the wider community.
Specific Commitments by The Western Front Association at the national level, to equality, diversity and access.
The Charity at national level will ensure that any venues selected for its AGM or Conferences are suitably equipped for disabled access.
The Charity will try to ensure where practicable hearing loops are available or make other arrangements for hearing and sight impaired members. As a minimum, designated seats will be made available at the front.
The Charity will seek to obtain speakers with as wide an ethnic background as possible and whose subjects reflect a diverse appreciation of all participants in the Great War.
The Charity will seek contributions for its magazines and podcasts from as wide a section of the community as are able to provide the authoritative contributions necessary.
The Charity will aim to provide talks and articles that reflect the diversity of all those who were involved in the Great War including by recognising the role of women both at the Fronts and in support services.
The Charity will be sensitive to the fact that original materials may include terminology, values and attitudes which would not be acceptable in the present day. The Charity will make it clear that such historical terminology, values and attitudes are not representative of those held by the Charity today.
Specific Commitments expected from the Branch Network.
The Charity has approximately 50 local semi-autonomous branches within the UK with more branches in Ireland, Europe and the wider world.
The Charity expects branches in jurisdictions outside England and Wales to follow their relevant equality and diversity legislation guidelines in addition to the Charity’s Policy.
Within the local conditions Branches will, wherever practicable seek to ensure venues for meetings and local conferences have suitable disabled access and arrangements to assist those hard of hearing or with sight impairment. As a minimum, reserved front row seating will be available.
Branches will never discriminate directly or indirectly against any member or speaker or attendee on the grounds of ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Branches are encouraged to seek to reflect diversity in identifying the variety of contributions made to the war including by recognising the wide ethnic and religious backgrounds of the participants and the role of women both at the Fronts and in support services.
Drawn up: July 2020
Revised: November 2021
Owner: A Bolton,
Due for review: Summer 2025