Safeguarding Policy and Risk Assessment
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- Safeguarding Policy and Risk Assessment
The Trustees and Executive Committee of The Western Front Association (the Charity) unreservedly commit to protecting its members, volunteers, employees and the people with whom it comes into contact through its activities from all forms of abuse, physical, sexual or emotional arising out of that contact.
The Charity will not tolerate any form of abuse directed at its volunteers, employees, members or those who come into contact with the charity and its activities. Disciplinary action will be taken where such abuse is identified.
Incidents of abuse must be reported at the earliest possible opportunity to the Executive Committee in particular the Chairman or his deputy (contact details are available in publications and through the website)so that safeguarding concerns may be investigated and if appropriate disciplinary action taken. Disciplinary action may include where necessary the prompt reporting to the appropriate authority.
Wherever practicable the identity of complainants will be protected.
Drawn up June 2019
Owner A Bolton
Reviewed September 2020
Next review 2025
Safeguarding Procedure
Where there is a likelihood of the operations of the Charity coming into contact with children or vulnerable adults a risk Assessment will be carried out. This may rely on the generic assessment at Appendix 1 or a ‘job specific’ assessment where greater risks are likely. The result of this risk assessment should be recorded in writing.
Where risks are identified the appropriate mitigation measures must be put in place, recorded and supervised by the lead member acting for the WFA.
Should the Executive Committee or its Chairman be advised of a potential safeguarding issue an investigation by the Chairman or suitable deputy should be carried out as soon as practicable. The evidence and record of the investigation should be in writing.
Internal disciplinary action could range from a verbal note of advice to the immediate suspension from the charity. Where concern is found to have foundation the Chairman or his designated deputy will on legal advice notify the appropriate authority which may be the DBS, the local safeguarding children or adult team or the Police.
Where a Branch Committee become aware of a safeguarding issue they shall notify the Chairman or his deputy with immediate effect. The Branch Chair or an appointed deputy may for reasons of practicality conduct investigation on behalf of the Chairman but all notification to external bodies must be from the Executive Committee.
Where safeguarding complaints do not involve children or vulnerable adults the Executive Committee or its Chairman will appoint a tribunal to investigate the issue and recommend appropriate disciplinary action or recommendations to prevent a recurrence.
Any member, trustee, volunteer or employee subject to disciplinary action has the right to appeal, this appeal will be heard by the Executive Committee, any vote taken would exclude the original tribunal members. They will have the right to overturn or uphold the disciplinary action taken.
Drawn up June 2019
Owner A Bolton Education Trustee
Due for review Summer 2020
Risk Assessment of the WFA National Activities
The WFA interacts with the public including children and possibly vulnerable adults in the following ways:
- By holding conferences which whilst predominately aimed at members are open to non-members which may include children.
- By participation in events such as the Heaton Park, Passchendaele or WDYTYA exhibitions.
- By organising Battlefield Tours.
- By making available to the public access to the website.
- By the making available of Podcasts.
- The WFA publish Stand To and Bulletin but these are available only to members. It is not uncommon however for back numbers of these magazines to be given away to the general public at events.
- The WFA has contact with the public via social media.
Of these potential contacts only the first three provide any safeguarding risk and only then at a low to negligible likelihood although the severity of the implications means it cannot be disregarded entirely.
The limited nature of contacts makes grooming a negligible risk even where children are present.
The subject matter of the WFA conferences militate against them being used inappropriately to promote issues of safeguarding.
Battlefield Tours are organised by commercial companies on behalf of the Association and therefore the responsibility primarily rests with the organisers.
Drawn up June 2019
Owner A Bolton Education Trustee