On 14 December 1909, Ernest Shackleton was in Dublin, where he gave a talk on his ‘Nimrod’ Antarctic expedition.
Our lecture this month, 115 years to the day is
The Irish in Antarctica: A Tale of Discovery, Survival, and Triumph
By Beverly Sperry
The Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration unfolded against the backdrop of the Great War, and Irish seafarers played a prominent role in both. Beverly Sperry will tell of their exploits, with particular reference to the remarkable feats of Ernest Shackleton – “The Boss” – and the astounding endurance of Kerryman Tom Crean, who sailed with both Scott and Shackleton and lived to tell the tale, plus many whose names may be new to you but whose courage was prodigious and whose contributions were vital.
This popular talk has been updated to include recent developments, including the discovery of the wreck of the Endurance in March 2022, nearly 107 years after she sank, and Beverly's own experiences in Antarctica in December 2023.
Originally from New York City, Beverly Sperry moved to Ireland in 1984. In 1987, she married Martin Meehan, an Irish officer in the British Navy with whom she shared an abiding interest in military history and Antarctic exploration. Last December, Beverly fulfilled her long-time ambition to see Antarctica, and she has been to Patagonia on several occasions where she visited sites of interest to the Antarctic enthusiast.
The Meeting Will Be In The Conference Room At Pearse Street Library.
Doors Open At 13.40 For A 14.00 Start.
Members And Non-Members Of The Western Front Association Are Equally Welcome. Any New Visitors Are Guaranteed A Friendly Atmosphere And A Warm Welcome From A Group Of Like-Minded Enthusiasts.
While Entry Is Free, We Would Welcome A Donation Of 3 Euro To Help Cover Our Costs.