Our September branch meeting will as usual take place at 7pm in the upstairs Library at The Star Tavern, Belgravia.
Paul Cobb will be speaking to us tomorrow (the 14th) on 'Indigenous Peoples of the Dominions 1914-1918' in which he will examine attitudes to the indigenous peoples of Canada, New Zealand and Australia as the British Empire became established and how this affected the employment of these peoples in military service during the Great War.
Paul first visited the battlefields in 1969 and has been back many times undertaking research on various aspects of the war and leading tours. He is a former Membership Secretary and Vice Chair of the WFA and is currently Chairman of the Wiltshire Branch. He has been on the speakers' circuit for many years; his main interest is the Australian Imperial Force, speaking at WFA branches in the UK and abroad, and contributing to radio and television programmes. He is perhaps best known to WFA members for his book 'Fromelles 1916'.
We look forward to welcoming and meeting you.