Welcome to the Scotland (South) branch of the Western Front Association.
We meet regularly in Edinburgh:
Scots Guards Club, 2 Clifton Terrace, Haymarket, Edinburgh, EH12 5DR.
Meetings are held on a Sunday at 2.00pm for 2.15pm.
Upcoming Branch Events
Sophie - the story of East Lothian's new Sopwith 1½ Strutter. A talk by Gerard Lohan.
Gerard's talk will endeavour to explain why you can find today a Sopwith 1½ Strutter in a fruit and veg shed in Congalton, East Lothian! Stranger yet is the story of how a handful of volunteer retirees built the Strutter they call "Sophie". Despite a series of setbacks that should have ended the ambitions of their charity, the Aviation Preserva...
Event DetailsWestern Fronts: The Retreat from Mons 1914 and Retreat to Dunkirk 1940 - Compared. A lecture by Professor Gary Sheffield.
The President of The Western Front Association, Professor Gary Sheffield, will compare and contrast two famous retreats by British Expeditionary Forces - 1914 and 1940. Image: © IWM (Q 51489)Troops from the Middlesex Regiment under fire from German artillery, September 1914.
Event DetailsThe Quintinshill Rail Disaster 22 May 1915 - with David Carter.
David will examine the events surrounding the notorious multi-train rail crash at Quintinshill Junction, near Gretna, when a southbound troop train carrying territorials of the Leith based 1/7th Royal Scots slammed into a local service. With over 220 dead, and a similar number injured, it remains the worst crash in the history of the railways in...
Event Details