Welcome to the Somerset Branch of The Western Front Association.
Meetings are held at 7.00pm at The Village Hall, Fore Street, Othery, Somerset, TA7 0QU.
Upcoming Branch Events
The Lewis Gun - Darren Berry
The Lewis Gun - Darren Berry The Somerset Tommy This month we welcome the return of Darren Berry, The Somerset Tommy in his full uniform and with his Lewis Gun for a hands on experience of the weapon. The talk will explain how the weapon was used in action and how it changed infantry tactics. WFA and non members alike are equally welcome to...
Event DetailsJutland the Great Naval Battle - Brigadier Mike Shaw
Battle of Jutland Brigadier Mike Shaw A welcome return of Mike Shaw and his description of the largest sea battle that occurred during the Great War. The controversary of who actually won the battle still occurs to this day. WFA and non members alike are equally welcome to come and find the answer to this question. We ask for a modest £5...
Event DetailsEscapers All - Richard Lloyd
Escapers All - Richard Lloyd We have all no doubt heard of the Great Escape and possibly the Wooden Horse both from WW2 but have you heard of any tales of escape from German prison of war camps in the Great War. If you haven't, then here is the talk to rectify that knowledge. WFA and non members alike are equally welcome, we ask a modest £5...
Event Details