Search results for Air War.

100: June 2014 Special Edition


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Ian Castle presents 'The Forgotten Blitz and the Defeat of the Zeppelins


Ian is a well respected on the subject of Balloons, Ballooning and Zeppelins. He looks at the Bitz, its effect on moral and how the menace of the Zeppelin Airships was dealt with 

The First Air War - Grant Cullen


* Note this talk replaces the previously published talk. Grant Cullen from the Chesterfield Branch of the Western Front Association will be revisiting the branch to talk about 'The First Air War'. Grant's talk will look at various aspects of the first air war and he has advised me that the talk will include photographs which are not generally i...

Laugh or Fly: The Air War on the Western Front - Peter Hart


On Wednesday February 12th we welcome to return of Peter Hart to our Hornchurch Venue. In this talk, based on a recent book by him and Gary Bain, Peter will address the two sides of air warfare: the relative safety and comfort of the airbase and the stresses and dangers of flying patrols and air warfare within minutes of leaving base, and how th...