Search results for Alexander Barrie.

The War Underground. The Tunnellers of the Great War by Alexander Barrie


Spellmount Ltd, Staplehurst, £14.99, soft back, 272pp, 22ills, 5maps, bibliography, ISBN 1 86227 081 3.  Amongst other new paperbacks is Spellmount's edition of Alexander Barrie's somewhat elderly War Underground. Although first published in 1962 and republished as a hardback in 2000, as far as I know it remains the fullest account on the subjec...

War Underground by Alexander Barrie


Available in various hardback editions (first edition 1962), paperback 2004.  War Underground by Alexander Barrie is a clear, character-led factual narrative that tells the story of the tunnellers from inception to demob. It is also the story of how a larger than life engineering contractor John Norton Griffith persuaded Kitchener that clay-kick...