Search results for Bapaume.

Crossing the Devastated Zone, 1917: Lessons and Consequences for the British Expeditionary Force by Rob Thompson


The German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line, 14 March – 5 April, 1917, is something of a footnote in the study of Great War military operations yet the engineering and logistic lessons taught were of crucial importance to the success of BEF mobile operations in 1918. It represented the BEF’s only experience of a mobile pursuit against an enemy...

Guillemont, 3 September 1916 Tactics and Insights


‘Not a Single Blade of Grass...’ by Sebastian Laudan [This article first appeared in Stand To! No.106 July 2016 Special Edition]. In 1926 Oberstleutnant aD (Lieutenant Colonel, retired) Wilhelm Nau published the last volume of a series of books covering the participation of the infantry regiment he had been serving with in Belgium and France thr...

'The Grave by the Roadside' : Remembering 2/Lt. H G Thorpe who died 24 March 1918


One of the illustrated WFA talks ('Six Months with the King’s (Liverpool) 1917-1918’) I’ve given over the last twenty years or so tells the story of my uncle, 2/Lt H G Thorpe MC, 1/King’s Liverpool Regt, who was killed in action on 24 March 1918. Members who have heard it might be interested in a recent development. Gordon Thorpe’s is a remarka...