Search results for Black Soldiers.

049: April 1997


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Paris Noir : African Americans in the City of Light by Tyler Stovall


Tyler Stovall's motivation to write 'Paris Noir: African Americans in the City of Light' came from his own grandfather's war experience Paris Noir spans several decades, with the First World War the kickstart to the appearance in France of many African Americans eager to enjoy freedoms and civil treatment that were rare in their own country at t...

Blacks v. Whites 29 April 1919 Winchester, Hampshire


Blacks v. Whites Fight at Winchester Camp. A dozen men wounded. This shocking headline appeared in the Hampshire Telegraph on 2 May 1919 to describe events of the previous Monday 29th April 1919 when violence broke out between black British West Indian soldiers and white American soldiers serving with British forces who were housed in barracks a...

ONLINE: Black Poppies by Stephen Bourne


The presentation will be live and online.  Stephen Bourne presents an informative and illustrated talk about the updated edition of his book 'Black Poppies'. In this acclaimed book, Stephen explores the lives of black servicemen of the First World War and Britain's Black community at this time. Stephen will bring to light the day-to-day trials...

Great War to Race Riots by Madeline Heneghan and Emy Omora


Madeline Heneghan and Emy Onuora Writing on the Wall Toxteth Library Windsor Street Liverpool L8 1XF Published by Writing on the Wall 2017 ISBN: 978-1-910580-19-6 We are told how the research for this book came about and are given a succinct history of Liverpool’s maritime trade and how it at the forefront of the slave trade from 1700. Gradually...

Ep.232 - The CWGC Non-Commemoration Report on Inequalities of Commemoration – Dr George Hay


Dr George Hay, the Official Historian at Commonwealth War Graves Commission, talks about the recent Commission report on the inequalities in the way the organisation commemorated the dead of the British Empire from the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio...

The No. 2 Construction Battalion, CEF


On 5 July 1916, the No. 2 Construction Company of the Canadian Expeditionary Force was formed. It was unique in Canadian military history as the first battalion composed of black soldiers. Raised in Nova Scotia (where the majority of black Canadians lived), the battalion was initially headquartered in Pictou, N.S., then moved to Truro, N.S. befo...