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Search results for Brusilov.
January 2020
The Brusilov Offensive of 1916 General Aleksei Brusilov (1853-1926) who gave his name to the Brusilov Offensive was, like Douglas Haig an aristocratic cavalry officer. The Brusilov Offensive of 1916 took place on the Eastern Front and was the only battle in the Great War named after a general. The offensive which lasted from June 4th 1916 to...
'Russian Army in the First World War' a talk by Sofya Anisimova
This talk is an overview on the organization and structure of the Russian Army from the start of the Great War to the revolution The speaker is a PhD Candidate at the University of St Andrews, and Visiting fellow at the Institute of Historical Research in Bloomsbury. Her areas of speciality are coalition military strategy of the Entente, Russian...