Search results for Cheltenham and Gloucester.

Professor Gary Sheffield pays tribute to his predecessor as Honorary President of The Western Front Association, Professor Peter Simkins MBE


  I would like to pay tribute to my predecessor as Honorary President of the Western Front Association, Professor Peter Simkins MBE. Peter has been active in the WFA over many years, latterly in the Cheltenham and Gloucester branch. When Corelli Barnett stepped down, Peter was an obvious choice to succeed him as President of the WFA, as he is o...

Cheltenham in the Great War - Neela Mann


Cheltenham in the Great War is the first book to portray the town, its people and the impact of the 'war to end all war' from the declaration of war in 1914 to Armistice Day in 1918. Almost 1,000 Cheltenham women left by train every day for munitions work, hundreds made airplanes in the Winter Gardens, many were nurses and most former suffragett...