Search results for Conscientious Objectors.

The Conscientious Objector’s Wife: Letters between Frank & Lucy Sunderland, 1916–1919


Editor Kate Macdonald Handheld Press, £19.99, 304pp, hb, 8 ills, endnotes and index. ISBN: 978–199–988–136–8 In The Conscientious Objector’s Wife, the working–class Sunderland family were fervent pacifists, supporters of the Labour Party and the Garden City movement devised at the end of the nineteenth century, largely by Quaker and pacifist ide...

April 2019


  RETURNING PRISONERS Returning prisoners had from as early as 1914 been an important source of information.  In 1914 reports had confirmed the widespread ill-treatment of all those being transported to prison camps in Germany.  The number of officers receiving such treatment ensured the authorities took action with a report being published in l...

Ep. 87 – Conscientious Objectors in WW1 – Gerry Barton


Gerry Barton talks about his new book, jointly written with John Babb, on conscientious objectors in Mid-Staffordshire and the Black Country during the Great War. Your browser does not support the audio element.

ONLINE : 'Northampton Conscientious Objectors’ – John Buckell.


Milton Keynes WFA Zoom presentation   The First World War was the first time compulsory military conscription had been introduced in Britain, and Tribunals were set up in 1916 to hear appeals for exemption from the armed services. This was a struggle to recruit men to the armed forces to win the war, but also to establish the moral right of indi...

Conscientious Objectors - Ian Stevenson


Conscientious Objectors - Ian Stevenson    A look at the men who because of their beliefs refused to take up arms against the enemy , from those men who joined the army as a non - combatant to those absolutists who totally refused all military service and went to jail for their beliefs . WFA and non-members alike are equally welcome to listen to...