Search results for Executions.

083: August/September 2008


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Discipline in the BEF: An analysis of executions in British Divisions 1914-1918


It is well recorded that despite a dubious disciplinary record, Australian troops were amongst the most effective of those available to Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig. [1] This observation is at odds with the example of the Guards Division which also had a favourable reputation, but whose discipline was strict.[2] It is therefore potentially use...

111: March 2018 Special Edition


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Sentenced to Death. The Public Record Office Court Martial Files.


[This article originally appeared in Gun Fire No.31. It has been lightly edited for the purposes of publishing on the WFA's website. Illustrations have been added that did not appear in the original. All of these magazines are now available to WFA members via the Member Login. Joining the Western Front Association gives you access not only to th...

"Courts Martial & The Essex Regiment" a presentation by Jim Kevany


After a break that none of us wanted we are pleased to let you know that we are resuming our branch meetings on Wednesday 8th of September. This will of course be subject to any changes the Government's pandemic response.  This talk is by Branch member Jim Kevany. To provide extra safety we are moving into the Bar area at the Village Hall, where...