Search results for Ezra Pound.

Blasting and Bombardiering by Wyndham Lewis


1992 facsimile reprint of 1937 work  xvi 312pp. Hardback. Imperial War Museum. £22.50 post free.  (1992 facsimile reprint of 1937 work.)  ISBN 0-901627-87-9  [This review first appeared in Stand To! No. 36 Winter 1992. Members of The Western Front Association have access to the entire back catalogue of Stand To! in our digital archive].  The Imp...

Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover (2014)


The Lutterworth Press, Cambridge, 2014, 414pp. In Richard Aldington: Poet, Soldier and Lover, the author Vivien Whelpton explores in series of short intimately explored biographies, spread across the book that has Aldington at its core, the intertwining lives and work of a number of literary figures from the time, including Ezra Pound, Herbert R...

Death of a Hero by Richard Aldington


Published by Chatto & Windus London, 1929 With reference to an unabridged edition. Paperback, 376 pages Published 1984 by Hogarth Press Death of a Hero by Richard Aldington Published by Chatto & Windus, London, 1929 Aldington, an experienced and successful poet, journalist, translator and critic wrote his first novel Death of a Hero in h...

Ep.268 – Richard Aldington and the Great War – Dr Viv Whelpton


Dr Viv Whelpton talks about the life and service of Great War poet Richard Aldington. Aldington (1892-1962) was an English writer and poet who is best known for a semi-autobiographical novel the Death of Hero published in 1929. Your browser does not support the audio ele...