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Search results for French Foreign Legion.
The Bloody Hand by Blaise Cendrars
Éditions Vagamundo 2015. Published with the support of Brittany Council. First published 1946 under the title La Main coupée Éditions Denoël). Original text copyright (c) Miriam Cendrars. This edition translated by Graham macLachlan. Design by Laurent Brunet. ISBN 979-10-92521-01-6 Printed in a run of 2,000 copies by Cloître Imprimeurs, Franc...
27 February 1915 : Edward Mandell Stone
Edward 'Eddie' Stone was born 5 January 5, 1888, at Chicago, Ill, the son of Henry Baldwin Stone (he died in 1897) and Elizabeth Mandell Stone (who died in 1907). Edward was educated at Milton Academy and then Harvard. He did not finish his Law studies instead serving in the Legation at Buenos Aires as a volunteer private secretary to the Hon....
Ivor Thord-Gray - Mercenary, Spy? Thief? … and CO 11th Northumberland Fusiliers
Ivor Thord-Gray was a man for whom war (to paraphrase Lord Reith) was ‘in his bones’. A Swede, born Ivar Thord Hallström (the change in name being for reasons unknown) in Stockholm on 17 April 1878, he set out on a life that would have made good fiction if it were not actually true. After two years on merchant ships (1893-5), he landed in Cape...