Search results for Gheluvelt.

Last Stand at Zandvoorde 1914: Lord Hugh Grosvenor’s Noble Sacrifice


By Mike McBride Pen and Sword Barnsley £19.99, 234pp, ills in page throughout, bibliog, ISBN 1473891574. Review by David J Filsell Whilst there is a very strong case for a serious study of the loss of Zandvoorde on 30th October 1914, in my judgement Last stand at Zandvoorde 1914 is not it. My concerns were first triggered by the book’s foreword...

Haig’s Tower of Strength: General Sir Edward Bulfin – Irelands’ Forgotten General


By John Powell Pen and Sword, £25.00, 240pp, 33 ills, 10 maps, glossary, notes and bibliog, index. ISBN: 978–152–672–260–7 My grandfather would have called General Edward Bulfin a man with ‘ballast’; a workman, capable, unshowy and determined. Rather than earning his commission at Sandhurst, he entered the army from the militia, did not attend S...