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Search results for Gilbert Frankau.
Publishers, Readers and the Great War: Literature and Memory since 1918
Publishers, Readers and the Great War: Literature and Memory since 1918 £84, Bloomsbury Academic, 272pp, 15 ills -in page -index notes and refs, bibliog. ISBN 978 1 4742 9149 1 Vincent Trot Yes. Publishers, Readers and the Great War, is an academic work. Its price is academic and unfriendly. No doubt, sales to bejewelled libraries of universit...
The Flower of Battle - British Fiction Writers of the First World War by Hugh Cecil
Secker & Warburg 1995 Hardback, 415pp £25.00 ISBN 0 436 202905 [This review first appeared in the October 1996 edition of Stand To! No.49] Dr. Hugh Cecil, an historian at the University of Leeds, points out in the first chapter of this book that more than 400 British authors, who had firsthand experience of the Great War, used their memorie...