Search results for Historic England.

Chilwell – the VC factory explosion 1 July 1918


In 1914 the British armaments industry was primarily geared to supplying the needs of the Royal Navy, export markets, and a small regular army. The Navy’s and Army’s relatively modest armament needs were largely met by state-owned factories and a handful of private firms. But by autumn 1914, it was clear that the essentially static trench warfar...

An ‘Enthusiastic’ Response to War? British social responses to the outbreak of the First World War.


This is an MA Dissertation submitted to the University of Wolverhampton as part of their 'History of Britain and the First World War. It has been adapted slightly from the original for improved online reading, with links and illustrations added for greater enjoyment.  TITLE: An ‘enthusiastic’ response to War? British social responses to the outb...

First World War Practice Trenches in Hampshire given historical protection


So called 'practice trenches' at Browndown in Gosport, Hampshire that lay beneath heathland for decades have been granted heritage protection. The site was used for training troops in the Great War and was rediscovered from aerial photos in 2011.   Following input from Historic England, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), has agr...