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Hooge Tunnel, Essex Farm and other drawings by Tony Spagnoly
Tony Spagnoly sent the following drawings. They were made in 1917 by a member of the 69th Field Ambulance and have to do with the Ypres area in 1917. The first has some notes on it which might be difficult to decipher, so here they are The School Mennin [sic] Gate This School has been the dumping ground for German shells for over three years. Si...
Hooge tunnel, Essex farm (and other) drawings (1)
[This article first appeared in the Yorkshire Branch journal ‘Gun Fire’ Book 53 pp 14 - 23. The entire series of 59 editions published between 1985 and 2004 has been digitised by The Western Front Association and is available to members via their Member Login. A list of all articles across the 59 editions is available by clicking on the icon...