Search results for Ian Passingham.

Ian Passingham - Obituary


I think everyone who knew of him would have been shocked by the news of Ian Passingham’s death on 19 March, after a long illness, at the age of 63. Until recent years he was an avid attendee and well-known face at The Western Front Association, British Commission for Military History (BCMH) and Douglas Haig Fellowship events. Ian burst on to th...

The German Offensives of 1918: The Last Desperate Gamble by Ian Passingham


Pen and Sword, £19.99, 181pp, 43 ills, 3 mps, 8appendices, notes, bilio, index. ISBN 184415762-8  Whilst Ian Passingham’s account of the German Spring Offensives of 1918 has enjoyed some harsh judgment on the Great War Forum, it would be a great mistake to over-egg the critical pudding. Whilst Martin Kitchen’s The German Offensives of 1918, publ...

Placing the Battle of Messines Ridge in context by Peter Simkins


This is the Foreword to Ian Passingham's Pillars of Fire. The Battle of Messines Ridge June 1917 by Peter Simkins  For the British Dominion divisions serving on the Western Front under Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, 1917 was a year of transition and mixed fortunes. In the collective folk-memory of Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand the...