Search results for In Flanders Fields Museum.

Announcing the First World War Seminar Series, 2018-19


In Flanders Fields Museum, Gateways to the First World War and the University of Kent present a series of eight seminars in Canterbury and Ieper, free and open to all.   Canterbury seminars will take place in Eliot Lecture Theatre 2, Eliot College, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NS, from 6pm.   Ieper seminars will take place in Reading Roo...

Ep. 174 – Ypres and its meaning through time – Prof Mark Connelly & Dr Stefan Goebel


Professor Mark Connelly, Professor of Modern British History, University of Kent and Dr Stefan Goebel, Reader and Director of the Centre for the History of War, Media and Society, University of Kent, talk about their recent book on Ypres. This is published by OUP. Your...

THREE DAY EVENT: 'The First World War in the Middle East - Aftermath and Legacies'


'The First World War in the Middle East Aftermath and Legacies' is a three day event 15th - 17th September 2022 at the Cultural Centre Het Perron and In Flanders Fields Museum Ypres

Seminar Series 2022-2023


In Flanders Fields Museum, Ieper – School of History, University of Kent in partnership with the Western Front Association and the Gateways Partnership present details of the seminar series, 2022-23. This is the seventh series of eight seminars on the history of the First World War, free and open to all. Ieper venue and start times: Educational...

Yorkshire Trench and Dug-Out to Reopen to the Public


From the 6th September 2023, the unique historical and archaeological site at the 'Yorkshire Trench & Dugout' in Boesinge will reopen following restoration work. The site includes a shallow trench dating from 1915 and a restored trench with entrances to a deep dugout from 1917. The latter is the only British trench in the Ypres Salient still...

First World War Seminar Series 2023-2024 : Opportunities to explore the history, legacy and impact of the First World War


This annual seminar series, now in its eighth year, and supported by The Western Front Association is organised by the University of Kent School of History and the In Flanders Fields Museum, Leper/Ypres, Belgium. It will cover a variety of topics on the First World War. As in previous years the lectures will alternate between Canterbury and Le...

SEMINAR SERIES '‘The light bulb moment when the penny drops’: Pilgrimage and tourism along the Western Front' with Amy Harrison


Amy Harrison (PhD student, University of Kent) will be giving a talk on pilgrimage and tourism along the Western Front titled ‘The light bulb moment when the penny drops’  Now in its eighth year, the initiative is supported by The Western Front Association. Events alternate between the University of Kent, Canterbury and In Flanders Fields Museum...