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Search results for Len Shurtleff.
U.S. Infantry Weapons of the First World War
Book Review by Len Shurtleff. Mr Canfield is an internationally recognised specialist in twentieth century U.S. military weapons and a contributing editor to the American Rifleman. In this information-packed and richly illustrated volume, he presents a comprehensive record of rifles, shotguns, automatic rifles, pistols, machine guns, bayonets, k...
074: September 2005
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077: September 2006
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079: April 2007
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The White War: Life and Death on the Italian Front, 1915-1919 by Mark Thompson
ISBN 10: 0571223346
ISBN 13: 9780571223343
Publisher: Faber & Faber, 2009
This is a well crafted and thoroughly researched overview of Italian participation in the Great War.
It details military events on the Italian Front from the opening of the war in May 1915 until the armistice and the main outlines of Italian politics, including char...
The First Great Triumph: How Five Americans Made their Country a World Power by Warren Zimmerman et al.
Zimmermann analyses America's emergence onto the world stage through the careers of five friends and political allies: Theodore Roosevelt, John Hay, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Elihu Root and Henry Cabot Lodge. All but Mahan (a naval officer) were involved in national politics. Two were Secretaries of State (Hay and Root). Two (Roosevelt and Root) won...
Americans All. Foreign-Born Soldiers in World War I by Nancy G Ford
Texas A&M University Press, College Station, $32.95, 2000, 207pp, ills, index. ISBN: 1 58544 118 X. His is a well-crafted history of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) which sets out to establish, and successfully so, that the US Army allied itself with progressive social reformers in integrating foreign-born and nonEnglish speaking dr...
Americans All. Foreign-Born Soldiers in World War I
Texas A&M University Press, College Station, $32.95, 2000 207pp, ills, index. ISBN: 1 58544 118 X. [This review first appeared in Stand To! No. 63 January 2002] This a well-crafted history of the AEF which sets out to establish, and successfully so, that the US Army allied itself with progressive social reformers in integrating foreign-bor...
History's Greatest Heist: the Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks by Sean McMeekin
Yale, 2008 $38, 228 pp, ills, index. ISBN 978 0 3001 3558 9 This is a factual tale of cops and robbers, mainly robbers, who claimed they were Robin Hoods expropriating the expropriators to benefit the proletariat. Almost all the gold, currency, silver, jewels and jewellery the Bolsheviks seized from Russian and foreign bankers, industrialists,...