Search results for Merton College.

Houston Stewart Hamilton Wallace


Capt H S H Wallace, 10/Worcester Regiment.Killed in action 22 July 1916.No known grave. Remembered on the Thiepval MemorialMemorial: An oak crucifix on a cairn beside the Upper Road to High Wood from Bazentin-le-Petit, Somme. Location on Google Map Guardian: Commune of Bazentin Born on 22 June 1892 Houston Stewart Hamilton Wallace was the son of...

Lieutenant-Commander Frederick 'Sep' Kelly - Olympic Gold 1908, Performer and Composer


Frederick 'Sep' ‘Cleg’ Kelly, the Olympic gold medal rower, pianist and officer in the Royal Naval Division Frederick 'Sep' ‘Cleg’ Kelly, the Olympic gold medal rower, pianist and officer in the Royal Naval Division, was killed on 13 November 1916 on the opening day of the Battle of the Ancre. His death was a profound loss to the community and...

Help raise £5,500 to fund the restoration of a First World War private memorial


Help raise £5,500 to fund the restoration of a First World War private memorial to Captain Houston Stewart Hamilton Wallace in Bazentin, Somme, France. Donations would be most welcome > Project Houston  Two of these memorials are located in the village of Bazentin-le-Petit situated between Pozières and Longueval on the Somme battlefield. The...