Search results for Namur.

26 April 1916: 137/15564 Luit. Arthur Pierre Joseph Ghisain Lupsin


Luit. Luspin was mobilised on 1 August 1914. He saw action at the Battle of Halen on 12 August, and the Battle of the Yser before settling into the static warfare on the Yser front from the winter of 1914 through to 1916. Arthur was killed in action after being fatally shot through the mouth, possibly by a German sniper, near Steenstraat, Flan...

12 May 1915: Musk Josef Abberger


Already a serving soldier at the outbreak of war, he transferred to the newly expanded Lehr Infantry Regiment at Potsdam in early 1914 and first saw action at Namur during the invasion of Belgium in August 1914. After moving to the Eastern Front, Josef fought at the 1st Battle of the Masurian Lakes and the Battle of Lodz before moving to the C...

8 June 1919: Lt William ‘Billy’ Nichol Wilson


His father was Twentyman Wilson and mother Sarah; they were both from Dalston Cumberland and had agrarian backgrounds: the Wilsons were blacksmiths and wheelwrights, while the Nixons and Nichols on Sarah's side worked a small holdings.  Twentyman got work in the then booming industrial town of Consett. Starting out as the head groom he went on...