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056: September 1999
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Givenchy in the Great War – a Village on the Front Line
Reviewed Stephen Broomfield. I am sure many reading this review will have visited Givenchy - lying as it does in a central part of the British line and close to the scenes of major engagements. Givenchy in the Great War is possibly the first study of a single geographic location during the war. The author’s focus is the village - mentioning oth...
'Ladies in MI5' with Phil Tomaselli
On previous occasions the branch has heard about different aspects of military intelligence in the Great War. At our December meeting Phil Tomaselli will expand this subject and tell us about Ladies in MI5. By all accounts they were an intriguing group! Phil’s stories not only will cover their valuable war service but also what they did afterwar...
"Reggie Bone". The man who got me interested in WW1.
Phil Tomaselli returns to the branch to talk about Reggie Bone, the man who sparked an interest in the Great War. Phil Tomaselli has written extensively on military and family history and he has made a special study of the Western Front, in particular the decisive campaign of 1918. He has published many articles on aspects of army and air force...
The Russian Front
Well known historian and author Phil Tomaselli talks about how events on the Russian Front intimately influenced strategy in the West. In 1914 the early Russian advance into East Prussia pulled crucial German units out of Belgium. In 1915 they fought a retreat across Poland and their 1916 offensive helped save Verdun. The 1917 revolution freed G...
'The RN Air Service in the First World War' with Phil Tomaselli
Phil Tomaselli will be talking about the early RNAS pioneers who flew off ships, developed the first proper bombers, shot down the first Zeppelin and much more.