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Wilfred Owen, Poet and Soldier by Helen McPhail
Gliddon Books/Wilfred Owen Association, 1993. Softback, 80pp. £7.95. ISBN 0 9478 93318. This book by Stand To! Poetry Editor fills a noticeable gap in the historiography of Wilfred Owen - a detailed study of his war service. Most anthologies of his work are prefaced by a brief chronology, but the bulk of this work is devoted to his army career,...
Ivor Gurney: Composer, Poet, Soldier
Ivor Gurney was born at 3 Queen Street, Gloucester, in 1890, as the second of four surviving children of David Gurney, a master tailor, and his wife Florence, a seamstress. In 1911 he was living with his parents and 2 sisters at 19, Barton Street, Gloucester. The census records him as a Musician. He showed early musical ability. He sang as a cho...
F W Harvey the Gloucester poet and soldier
F W Harvey the Gloucester poet and soldier - a talk by Phil Davies Frederick William Harvey was one of a generation whose lives were splintered by World War I, and one of that group of war poets for whom the war changed everything. He joined the 5th Battalion of the Gloucestershire regiment only five days after war was declared, and was among th...