Search results for Poison Gas.

036: Winter 1992


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The Rationale for and the Deployment of Poisonous Gas on The Western Front in the Great War


The rationale for and the deployment of poisonous gas on The Western Front in the Great War Introduction In early 1915, accounts were freely circulated in turn by the French, British and Germans that poisonous gas was being used as a weapon of war by their opponents on the Western Front. This was in clear contravention of the 1899 Hague Convent...

124 : October 2021


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Mustard Gas - a presentation by Simon Jones (1)


Simon Jones makes a welcome return to the branch to present 'Mustard Gas' which will discuss all the aspects of this type of warfare.  Scenes of blinded soldiers being led to safety are an iconic but sad reminder of this terrible weapon and its use during the Great War. 

'Gassed - a visual reportage by Dr Iain Adams'


Gassed- a visual reportage by Dr Iain Adams, Branch Chair This talk was inspired by the painting Gassed by John Singer Sargent and its connection to football in the Great War.  A football match is in progress behind the line of blinded soldiers.    Iain is now the Branch Chair.  He has given us several very good talks in the past and is known to...