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Search results for Railwaymen.
23 September 1918 : Chief Mot Mech William Howson
His father was a railway engine driver. He had six siblings at the 1891 census and ten years later were joined by a nephew. All lived together at 37 Midland Terrace, Hellifield. William worked in the gas department of Hellifield Station before becoming a motor mechanic at Ilkley prior to enlistment. He joined the Navy in January 1916 and serv...
Railwaymen of Cumbria Remembered : A roll of honour produced by the Cumbrian Railways Association
By Peter Robinson and Micheel Peascod 48 pages illustrated, A4 format. Available from CRA Book Sales 50 Tattershall Toothill Swindon SN5 8BX. Price £4.00 post free. ‘Railwaymen of the First War’ as a title would threaten to fill several volumes of books, encyclopaedic in size and scope so it is just as well that ‘Railwaymen of Cumbria Remem...
Ep.332 – Midland Railway men of the GW – Quint Watt
Historian and researcher Quintin Watt takes us on a captivating journey into the forgotten stories of the Midland Railway’s servicemen from the Black Country and South Staffordshire during the First World War. Your browser does not support the audio element....