Search results for Riqueval Bridge Memorial.

Commemorating the restoration of the Riqueval Bridge Memorial


In glorious weather on the once British-held part of the Western Front, Western Front Association Chairman Colin Wagstaff and WFA European Officer Any Tongue took part alongside VIPs, dignitaries and guests in the rededication of the Riqueval Bridge Memorial. (Next to the newly rededicated Riqueval Bridge Memorial) In attendance were the great...

Commemorating the attack on Riqueval Bridge : one of the greatest battles fought by the British Army


The attack on the St Quentin Canal was one of the greatest battles ever fought by the British Army. Once taken, on 29 September 1918, the Riqueval Bridge became a vital supply line over the St Quentin Canal for artillery, tanks, trucks and men. Hear about the daring attack by Captain Charlton to take the bridge with nine men. Hear about the ass...