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Search results for Royal Horse Guards.
28 May 1917 : Robert Hilary Lockhart Whitelaw
From Monkland, Nairn, the son of William and Gertrude Whitelaw, their home in 1901 was in Kensington. The Census that April reveals that his mother, then 33 years old, was at home with her four children William, Audrey, Robert and Geoffrey (then 9, 7, 6, 2). They had living with them no fewer than 11 servants: two nurses, three housemaids, a bu...
From ceremonial duties to First Ypres and beyond: The 1st Life Guards and their single worst day of the war
This is a brief account of one cavalry regiment's war which reached its nadir in unlikely circumstances whilst they were in a supposedly safe location on the French coast re-training for a new role. The story starts and ends at Etaples Military Cemetery. The cemetery is – as those who have visited it can testify – a vast and (for its size) relat...