Search results for Russian Front.

The Other First World War: The Blood–Soaked Russian Fronts 1914–1922 by Douglas Boyd


The Other First World War: The Blood–Soaked Russian Fronts 1914–1922 The History Press, £16.99, 256pp, soft back, 38 ills, 6 maps, index, notes and refs. ISBN: 978–075–096–405–0 Let us get this out of the way for starters; I know far too little about the Great War on the Eastern Fronts (note the plural). I’ve always suspected it to be the case,...

The Russian Front


Well known historian and author Phil Tomaselli talks about how events on the Russian Front intimately influenced strategy in the West. In 1914 the early Russian advance into East Prussia pulled crucial German units out of Belgium. In 1915 they fought a retreat across Poland and their 1916 offensive helped save Verdun. The 1917 revolution freed G...

The Russian Front by Phil Tomaselli


We welcome Phil Tomaselli who will be speaking on the Russian Front and explain this little known period of the Great War and how it would lead to the downfall of Russian Royalty.

'Russian Army in the First World War' a talk by Sofya Anisimova


This talk is an overview on the organization and structure of the Russian Army from the start of the Great War to the revolution The speaker is a PhD Candidate at the University of St Andrews, and Visiting fellow at the Institute of Historical Research in Bloomsbury. Her areas of speciality are coalition military strategy of the Entente, Russian...

The British Involvement in North Russia 1918 - Ian Stevenson


The British Involvement in North Russia 1918.   In 1918 Britain led a multi national force which landed on the coast of Northern Russian. Ian will look at the expectations and the objectives of those involved , followed by the change of support to the White Russians and why it was withdrawn.  WFA members and non members alike are equally welcome...