Search results for Sepoys.

The Indian Army on the Western Front: India’s Expeditionary Force to France and Belgium in the First World War


Cambridge University Press, £60.00, 335pp., bibliog, index. ISBN: 9–781–107–027–466  To subvert a review about a new book with lengthy opinions on a fifteen–year–old work on the same topic is almost certainly poor reviewer’s protocol. However, since the shelf of new books about the Indian Army is virtually bare I will ignore polite convention. L...

Sepoys in the Trenches: The Indian Corps on the Western Front 1914-1915


Hardback, 274pp.  Spellmount, 2000,  price £24.95 ISBN 1 86227 054 6. [This review first appeared in Stand To! No. 60 January 2001] Who amongst us has not been intrigued and moved by the long lists of Indian names on the Menin Gate, or on the impressive Indian memorial near Neuve Chapelle?  This book tells the story behind those names, from the...