Search results for Sir Hew Strachan.

Stand To! No.1 to No.133 Full Contents Listing


Stand To! 1-133 Content Stand To  1 Spring 1981 Editorial Notes (Peter T. Scott) Serving members of the Western Front Association Early Days, New Paths and Acknowledgements Inaugural Meeting: John Terraine's Address. Historian John Terraine berates those who indulge in ‘purely tragic pilgrimages to the Western Front’. The Loving Care of the CW...

Ep. 63 – Blockade, economic warfare and the use of hunger during the Great War – Sir Hew Strachan


Sir Hew Strachan, patron of The Western Front Association and Professor of International Relations at the University of St Andrews, delivers a lecture on blockade, economic warfare and the use of starvation during the Great War. This lecture was recorded at The Western Front Association's AGM in London last month....

Mr Standfast by John Buchan


Whilst John Buchan was not a combatant in the Great War, he was a significant figure in the nascent business of propaganda. In 1917 Buchan was appointed director the newly created Dept. of Information and subsequently was director of intelligence in the fully-fledged Ministry of Information. Concomitant with undertaking these roles, Buchan wrote...

The Unknown Warrior: A special magazine for members from The Western Front Association


On the evening of 10 November 1920 a train pulled into Platform 8 of London’s Victoria Station. An honour guard and deep reverence surrounded the arrival of the Unknown Warrior, somebody’s father, somebody’s son, a nameless everyman from the Western Front. The event itself has stirred the imagination ever since. The Warrior’s burial next day at...

The Mountain War, A Doctor’s Diary of the Italian Campaign 1914 – 1918


By Dr Isaak A Barash Pen & Sword, 2021 £20.00, 220 pages, photographs and index ISBN 978–1–39909–310–1 [This book review first appeared in the April 2022 issues of Stand To! No.126] There are so few Austrian or Italian memoirs from the Italian Front translated into English that it’s refreshing to find this offering from Pen & Sword deta...

How can the lessons of the First World War help us avoid World War III?


From the Doughboys Foundation. This timely webinar with leading WW1 historians and experts will explore how an understanding of The Great War might help us avoid slipping into a larger and more devastating Third World War.  The panel includes:Sir Hew Strachan: Professor of International Relations at the University of St Andrews and Emeritus Fell...