Search results for Trench Raid.

019: Spring 1987


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Finding Great Uncle George


The following message from David Jenkins relates to the way the Pension Records can help find 'missing' relatives who were thought to have served in the First World War. As a First World War genealogist I must say a big thank you to you and your organisation for the work that you have put into getting the Pension Ledger records made available...

'The Lost Raiders Found': The Tyneside Scottish at Armentières


During the Great War trench raids were perceived as an operational necessity in order to dominate No Man's Land, to take prisoners and to ensure British and empire troops retained an offensive spirit. These raids frequently came at a heavy cost in lives and,  if care was not taken, could result in identification being provided to the enemy  -  t...

ONLINE: 'Fighting Spirit - patrolling and raiding with the West Yorks' by Fraser Skirrow


Captions - Above: painting from Foot Patrol (1916). Online talks: Powered by zoom and held usually on the last Thursday of the month, these talks start at 19:45 and end about 21:00. Participating is quick and easy. The only equipment you need is either a computer, or a tablet, or a smart phone. Simply email us - - and we'l...

German Trench Raiding with Dr. Michael LoCicero


Michael makes a welcome return to our Branch and will be presenting 'German Trench Raiding'. This will compliment a recent talk that discussed British raids, their successes, failures and the information gathered and how this assisted in decision making. 

Dr. Michael LoCicero - ‘Discredit on those concerned: The German Trench Raid Near Loos, 5 January 1917 and the 'Duty of Dying'


In a welcome return to the branch, Michael will be reviewing his contribution to The Darkest Year: The British Army on the Western Front 1917 edited by Spencer Jones and which deals with a highly successful German trench raid at Loos in January 1917. Penetrating deep into the British position it resulted in the immediate sacking of a British bat...

Ep.288 – Raiding – Fraser Skirrow


Author and historian Fraser Skirrow talks about raiding on the Western Front during the First World War. Your browser does not support the audio element. Once the frontline became static and dominated by trenches, barbed wire and artillery,...

Captain Daggett - remembered


A period of 107 years separated the last time members of various families had trodden these fields, but on 19 March 2024, relatives of men who served in the 4/Tyneside Scottish came together for the first time at Rue-Petillon British Cemetery and were able to stand over their ancestors’ graves and pay their respects. The occasion was the rededic...