Search results for Vimy Memorial.

3 May 1917 Lieutenant Robert Grierson Combe VC


Robert was the youngest of six children of Presbyterian parents James and Elizabeth Combe. On 24 April 1906, Robert emigrated to Canada via Liverpool, destination Montreal. He arrived 1 May.  A pharmacist from Moosomin, Saskatchewan, on 1st April 1915 he enlisted at Sewell Camp into the Canadian Expeditionary Force. He had previously served in...

18 August 1917 : Sgt Frederick John Hobson VC


He was the son of John Hobson (a stone mason) and Sarah Hobson (née Wallace - Dublin born) then living at 14 Wood St, Pancras.  With the death of his father and mother when still young, leaving only one surviving sister, Fred joined the British Army and served with the Wiltshire Regiment during the Second Boer War (1899-1902). After a few years...

3 August 1917 : Lieut. Robert Combe VC


His parents were James and Elizabeth Combe. Robert emigrated to Canada age 26 in 1906 having already completed his schools and qualified in London as a pharmacist. He initially joined the staff of a drug store in Moosomin, Saskatchewan, several years later opening his own store in Melville. After the outbreak of war he continued to work until...