Search results for West Yorkshire.

A Village Goes to War. A History of the Men of Ravensthorpe who Fell in the Great War


Western Front Association Development Trustee and Vice-Chairman David Tattersfield has researched the names on the memorial in his local church in Ravensthorpe, West Yorkshire. Fortunately, three large frames of photographs had also been preserved - a most unusual occurrence - covering 81 of the 114 names on the memorial. At the time of the Grea...

'A Yorkshire brigade at Cambrai' by Fraser Skirrow


Caption: Tanks arriving by rail. Relying on new research, Fraser explores how tanks and infantry cooperated and were coordinated in this groundbreaking all arms offensive. About the Talk: In the early hours of 20 Nov 1917 the infantry battalions of 185 Brigade had their first chance at large scale all arms warfare. There has been much discussion...