Search results for Wilfred Ewart.

In the Trenches: Those Who Were There


Rachel Bilton (Ed.) Pen & Sword, 2016, £12.99, paperback, 195 pp, ills, short index, no refs, ISBN 978-1-47386-713-0 Book Review by Dennis Williams In the Trenches: Those Who Were There (reviewed here) and Prisoners & Escape: Those Who Were There (reviewed above), form part of a proposed trilogy, feature collections of stories drawn from...

The Flower of Battle - British Fiction Writers of the First World War by Hugh Cecil


Secker & Warburg 1995 Hardback, 415pp £25.00 ISBN  0 436 202905 [This review first appeared in the October 1996 edition of Stand To! No.49] Dr. Hugh Cecil, an historian at the University of Leeds, points out in the first chapter of this book that more than 400 British authors, who had firsthand experience of the Great War, used their memorie...

Way of Revelation (1921) by Wilfred Ewart


Wilfred Herbert as portrayed in Graham Stephen's 'The Life and Last Words of Wilfred Ewart' (1924) At the time of his death, the 30 year old Wilfred Ewart was a successful journalist and author who had given five years of his life to the Great War. Composed in notepads and published as reports under various names during the war his fictionalise...